Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Struggling home owners punished again

For the last 12 months, I have been watching a scary trend forming here in Placer County California. The resale and short-sale inventory has started to shrink, the foreclosure signs have started to disappear, we are back to multiple offer situations, purchase prices are going above comparable sales again, appraisal waivers are even coming into play again and interest rates are continuing to decline. This gave me flashbacks to 2005, when there was a buying frenzy that ended in.......well disaster! Guess what, in some parts of the Country, it is happening again. Good news for young buyers and those buyers who were previously priced out of the market, but bad news for the struggling middle class. Here is why. The largest banks and the Upper class jokers running them got $700b bailout, while we got $0. When the jokers running the two largest banks in the Country (Fannie and Freddie) got in trouble they took $ millions in bonuses and then got $140b from the Treasury while again, we got $0. Here is where it gets really good. Now that there is a shortage of homes on the market, Fannie and Freddie are foreclosing on us as fast as possible. They are declining short sales and taking homes back very quietly and quickly so that they can get them back on the market asap. I would be o.k. with that if the Treasury would share the profits with us or allow us to pay $0 in taxes for 2013, but I know that is just a pipe dream. I can confirm all of this via a single property that we watched here in Roseville, Ca. The struggling home owner owed $288k, the owner of the note was Freddie Mac and the comparable sales were between $200k-$240k. Freddie Mac foreclosed on the home for $238k in December and by February 20th was cleaned, painted and back on the market for $295k. That is not a typo. Stay tuned!