Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Democrats crush housing, recovery and US economy

In July 2010 the US Congress and Senate passed a massive bill called the Dodd-Frank reform bill. Since it was 2300 pages long, I did not get a chance to read it all, how about you? Exactly, after the first page I fell asleep, so how about we let The Obamanator explain some of it and well score his success? From his 7/15/2010 press conference, "The United States Congress has now passed a Wall Street reform bill that will bring greater economic security to families and businesses across the country." Let's see how our elected officials are helping us.

1. Obamanator says, "Because of this reform, the American people will never again be asked to foot the bill for Wall Street’s mistakes." There will be no more taxpayer-funded bailouts -- period." Answer: Actually the bank bailouts cost US Taxpayers $1.2 Trillion.

2. Obamanator says, "The financial industry is central to our nation’s ability to grow, to prosper, to compete and to innovate. This reform will foster that innovation, not hamper it."
Answer: Foreclosures are an epidemic and the unemployment rate decreased, but only because the incarceration rate increased and more people are joining the military for employment purposes.

3. Obamanator says, "That’s why we invested in renewable energy that’s currently creating new jobs all across America...reforming education so that our workers can compete in the global economy....reforming health care that will lower costs for families and businesses."
Answer: The only new jobs being created are in health care and minimum wage retail sector. Education across the country has been decimated by layoff's, poor scores and over crowding, just like the prisons. The health care costs in this country have actually sky-rocketed for everyone except the poor, so again, nothing beneficial for the US economy here.

So after careful review of only 3 bullet points in over 2300 pages, I have given the current Administration an F- for their efforts. They have screwed the next two generations of US citizen, taxpayer, and home owner, they have debased the value of the dollar, decreased our education while simultaneously increasing the prison population and military spending. Now I know why only 3 Republicans voted "yes" on this bill! At least the Republicans create a false sense of happiness with increased employment, higher education, and economic booms during their reign of massive spending!

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