Thursday, February 7, 2008

How to become a better salesman 101

I just spent 2 hours at Starbucks with a buddy listening to him bitch about how bad his new sales job was. Turns out he was making life miserable for himself by not looking at it from an outside perspective. After 20 minutes of some simple coaching he was fired up to get back to work and make a go of it! Got me thinking, I needed to give some free, out of the box advice today.

Successful sales is not about cold calling, superior product knowledge or being a closer, though having these skills helps. The truely successful salesman has three things in his bag that you do not have.

1. Timing: Great salesman have good timing. They are in front of the client when he wants to buy. He is at the golf course when the client wants to talk. He sees the client at a very important function that solidifies his credibility. A buyer will be buying from someone at some time, you need to be there when he does!

2. Non Sales, Sales: Great salesman never act desperate, they never act like your deal is the one that is going to allow them to hit quota and keep their job (which is usually is). And of course, the greatest salesman are never there to "sell" you something. They listen, they ask good questions and if the need arises, they are conveniently there to help fulfil a need. That is the non sales, sale. Do you ever want to do business with the desperate cold caller, who calls on Thursday at 7pm right in the middle of Survivor, asking if you want to change your paper, or long distance or if you want to upgrade your TV service? Neither do I, even if I want to upgrade to HD I am not going to do it with this desperate schmuck.

3. Follow up: This is a simple and often overlooked value. In my Mortgage and Consulting business, I make sure to contact my database every month, or every quarter depending on their current situation. I never ask for business I simply send a follow up card, a birthday card or some market update which let's them know I am here. NOTE: If you contact too much they throw it away, if you contact them only when you need them, you will not close a deal with them. No matter what you sell you need to touch your existing clients, prospective clients and future clients on a regular basis. This creates and then supports rule #1, to be in front of them when they are ready to buy.

I know everyone has to pay their bills and I know at some point, there will be a single desperate sales call that is the only sale that is going to keep you afloat. I know, I have been there. I am there at least once a year. Do not let this thought get into your head, or it seeps out of your pores, into your suit and a client can smell it from a mile away.

Good luck and make it a great day!

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