Sunday, August 1, 2010

Loan Modification Failure

I am back! I have taken a 7 month haitus to work on...well my work. California has created an amazingly new and overly-complicated process for licensees to continue selling loans and real estate, so I have decided to just focus on Real Estate Sales and drop loan sales altogether. Even though I have been licensed and legit for over 7 years, the DRE and the Gov't have again created a process so complicated, only a few lucky souls will understand it and make it through. They might not be the most qualified, but they are educated in California and Federal red-tape manuevering and hats off to them.

Anyway, back in 2009 I wrote about our personal loan modification with a small company called Indy*ac Bank, who promised they could help. Well, they filed BK but were saved by the taxpayers of the US, and then that debt was purchased by a group of Billionaires for pennies on the dollar. They became One W*st Bank. I did not see any refund or interest payment from the Gov't after the sale of the bank, did you? One W*st Bank spent the better of 10 months telling me that I am perfect for a loan mod and if I would just make the reduced payments "on-time" for 3 months, that I would be approved automatically. Well after 6 months of on-time payments, they deemed my household financially sound and bammmm, NO Loan Mod! Just so happens that I made $10k that month, but $0 the two months before, but who cares right? I was so enraged that I did a search (thank you Google) and found out that they have a sweet-heart deal with the decision makers in Washington. They could make $2k on my foreclosure or $500 on a loan modification. Gee George what do you think?

Anyway be in touch with more from Indym*c, One W*est Bank and Government waste.

p.s. did you read about the corruption in Bell, California? Wow!

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