Friday, August 27, 2010

Short Sale approval

Yep you are reading this correctly, we have received not 1, but 2 short sale approvals today, from none other than Bank of America. I am having a capt n coke to celebrate. These, of course were Countrywide loans, which account for oh, about 20% of all loans in the US in 2006. Whoa! Needless to say B of A has been playing clean up, but appears to have their sh*t in order. Their stock took a dive after the Merrill Lynch fiacso and the Countrywide fiasco, but they are getting back on their feet again.

So what is the secret agents? I think if you turn on your tv say after 12 pm, this information can be purchased for $19.99. HA HA! Because I am listening to Itunes Classic 80's and in a great mood I am going to spit it out for free. The key is to having your agent talking to and explaining the situation to, the decision maker. If they cannot reach him/her then escalate until it reaches them. Yesterday I made 23 phone calls, mostly to low level employees. However, eventually I was able to express my concerns to an executive level type at B of A and guess what, approval received within 8 hours. Now, why can't the other 80k B of A foreclosures (Corelogic numbers) be approved and this recession moved closer to an end? Because there are still people working at B of A who make a low wage with NO inentive to help you.

So bottom line, I have two approvals today and I have saved two families from disaster so I am going to celebrate and then get back on the horse tomorrow. There is still a lot of work to do and again I want to help every person I see or meet, because the only way out of this recession is for the middle class to take it upon their shoulders and make it happen. What do you think the rich are doing right now.......yep planning their next million!

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